1 "SCIENTIFIC MERIT", Romanian medal, 1985.
2 Romanian Academy Award "DRAGOMIR HURMUZESCU", 1986; for a group of papers on "Tunable dye lasers and their spectroscopic applications". Awarded in 1990.
3 "Excellence Award" for the "Laser Physics" chapter within the book LASER IN MEDICINE AND DENTISTRY, Ed. Z. Simunovic, Vitagraf.d.o.o., Croatia, 2000; awarded by the Romanian Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation in 2000.
4 Romanian Academy Award “Gheorghe Marinescu”, 2003; for the book, “Lasers in Neurosurgery”, L. Danaila, M.L.Pascu, Ed. Academiei, Bucharest, ISBN 973 -27-0802-6, 2001.