Prof. Mihail Lucian Pascu is born in Bucharest, Romania and graduated from the Physics Faculty, University of Bucharest in 1968. He performed a PhD stage at the University of Texas at Dallas (USA) and obtained the PhD in Optics, Lasers and Plasma Physics from the University of Bucharest in 1975. He was Senior Research Scientist at the Institute for Physics and Technology of Radiation Devices since 1977 where he was Director between 1983 and 1990; he was at the same time member of the Scientific Council of the Physics Faculty of the University of Bucharest and of the Executive Committee of the Central Institute for Physics. He is currently Senior Research Scientist at the National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics and Associated Professor at the Physics Faculty of the University of Bucharest where he heads PhD in Optics, Laser and Spectroscopy. He worked as Science Officer at the European Commission DG RTD serving at COST Secretariat for the field Medicine and Health between 2001 – 2004; he was Science Officer of the European Science Foundation at the COST Office between 2004 and 2006 responsible for Biomedicine and Molecular Biosciences. He published more than 120 papers, obtained 10 patents and presented more than 350invited papers or communications at national and international conferences. He co-authored two books. He is member of 12 national or international societies. He is member of five COST European networks in physics or biomedicine and biomedical sciences and liaison expert between COST BMBS Domain Committee and ESF PESC Standing Committee. His professional interests are focused on inter- and multidisciplinary laser/optical spectroscopy:
Curriculum Vitae (.pdf) Phone : 0214574524 Fax: 0214574524 E.mail: Mihai Lucian Pascu Room: 0415 |